The 5 Disciplines of Great Leaders - Part 2: The Disciplines of Leadership Essentials


The difference between extraordinary leaders and mediocre leaders related to Leadership Essentials has far less to do with talent and disposition and much more to do with personal disciplines.

Check your practice and habits with the following disciplines of Leadership Essentials:

  • Concentrates on and nurtures a clear, energizing picture of the kind of leader they are pursuing to be and activates that picture into their leadership influence

  • Recognizes personal leadership presence and courageously embraces the responsibility to lead, serve and inspire people

  • Commits to being transparent, builds trust and resolves to produce results that win the confidence and followership of those they lead

 Questions for Self Reflection

How did the Leadership Essentials findings support leadership abilities or reveal that you have more work to do than you thought?

Reflecting on Leadership Essentials findings, what insight encouraged you the most and why?

What additional focus or action can you take away that will improve your influence to make a difference in how you lead?