The 5 Disciplines of Great Leaders - Part 1: The Disciplines of Self-Leadership


The difference between extraordinary leaders and mediocre leaders related to Self-Leadership has far less to do with talent and disposition and much more to do with personal disciplines.

Check your practice and habits with the following disciplines of Self-Leadership:

  • Leads from a defined personal vision with a core of values, principles and character that draws the best from themselves and others

  • Earns trust from those they lead by showing themselves to be leaders of integrity, respectability and honor

  • Develops a personal growth plan that continuously examines internal/external performance and invites critical feedback from others to perfect their leadership example and influence

 Questions for Self Reflection

What strikes you most about Self-Leadership?

 As you reflect on Self-Leadership, what practices do you follow to lead yourself before leading others?

What insights and action steps emerge from reviewing how you have been leading compared to how you need to lead in the future?